MetaLight21 Programme
All times are in CET timezone (Prague, Paris, Vienna)
Stefan Maier, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany - 9:20 - 10:10
Metasurfaces for orbital angular momentum holography, fibre optical trapping, and energy harvesting
Uriel Levy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel - 10:10 - 11:00
Advanced applications with metasurfaces and hyperbolic metamaterial cavities
Filip Ligmajer, Brno University of Technology, Czechia - 11:10 - 11:40
Optically tunable metasurfaces in the visible range
- Implementing dynamic tunability into the design of metasurfaces is one of the major challenges of the field today. In my contribution, I will show how phase-change materials can be incorporated into metasurfaces and what benefits they offer.
Vlastimil Křápek, Brno University of Technology, Czechia - 13:00 - 13:30
Quantitative phase imaging of optical metasurfaces
- The design and realization of metasurface elements place ever-increasing demands on accurate assessment of phase alterations introduced by complex nanoantenna arrays, a process referred to as quantitative phase imaging (QPI). Here, we report on new approaches in the QPI for optical metasurfaces based on Coherence-controlled holographic microscopy and Quantitative 4th generation optical microscopy.
Isabelle Staude, University of Jena, Germany - 13:30 - 14:20
Hybridizing optical metasurfaces with two-dimensional materials
- Optical metasurfaces offer unique opportunities for tailoring the interaction of light with nanoscale matter. Due to their flat nature, their integration with two-dimensional materials is particularly interesting. This talk reviews our recent and ongoing activities in hybridizing optical metasurfaces composed of resonant metallic or dielectric building blocks with different types of two-dimensional materials.
Michal Kvapil, Brno University of Technology, Czechia - 14:20 - 14:50
Introducing Group of Nanophotonics at BUT
- As my colleagues from BUT will present their results in the field of metasurfaces, I will introduce the rest of our nanophotonics group and its work not directly related to metasurfaces.
Andrey Sukhorukov, The Australian National University, Australia - 10:00 - 10:50
Quantum generation and manipulation of photons with metasurfaces
- We present the development of metasurfaces for manipulation and measurement of multi-photon states entangled in the polarization degree of freedom, by designing parallel quantum interference in dielectric nano-resonators arranged in meta-gratings. We also discuss the generation of photon-pair states with tailored wavelengths and enhanced spectral brightness in resonant nonlinear metasurfaces.
Yehiam Prior, Weizmann Institute of Science - 10:50 - 11:20
Functional Optimization of Metasurfaces
Victor Pacheco Peña, Newcastle University - 13:30 - 14:20
Electromagnetic wave propagation in spatiotemporal metamaterials
- Metamaterials offer boundless possibilities for manipulating fields and waves at will. In this talk, a collaboration between the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and Newcastle University (UK), we will present our recent efforts in exploiting metamaterials that are controlled not only in space but also in time (4D metamaterials).
Martin Hrtoň, Brno University of Technology, Czechia - 14:20 - 14:50
Magnetic metasurfaces for enhanced electron paramagnetic resonance
- Individual plasmonic antennas can be used to enhance the local magnetic field and boost the EPR signature of materials in the THz spectral regime. When combined into arrays, their collective response can be tailored to further increase the EPR signal, surpassing the values offered by more traditional setup arrangements.
Martin Wegener, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany - 15:00 - 15:50
Metasurface-Based Optical Cavities for Enhanced Sensing of Chiral Molecules
- Chiral molecules play an important role, e.g., for drugs. Infrared circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is an established means to detect the handedness of chiral molecules. Unfortunately, CD signals are notoriously small and measurements can take up to hours. Therefore, means to increase the CD signal are desirable. In this talk, we present three different approach based on dielectric metasurfaces leading to enhancements as large as 100 and above.