Courses on Advanced Topics VIII - Surface Science of Metal Oxides - Concepts, Methods, and Latest Results
June 22 - 23, 10:30 - 12:00 (online)
Ulrike Diebold, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
The lecture gave an introduction to the surface science method and will discuss the advantages (and challenges) of performing surface-sensitive experiments under well-controlled conditions, i.e., with single crystals and under an ultrahigh vacuum environment; and why one would want to apply it to the material class of metal oxides.
The main experimental techniques were briefly reviewed: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/non-contact Scanning Force Microscopy, XPS, and LEED.
Selected recent results were discussed:
(i) how to understand single-atom catalysis (where the catalytically active nanoparticle is shrunk down to its smallest size, i.e., a single atom),
(ii) how to measure fundamental properties such as the proton affinity at the single-atom level,
(iii) how one can use to one’s advantage the rich phase diagram that evolves in complex oxides, and
(iv) time permitting, how one can extend UHV-based surface science techniques to the liquid phase.