Project Workshop - Spectroscopy and microscopy of nanostructures
3. September 2020
Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Nanostructures and nanoparticles of different kinds are investigated intensively in connection with numerous applications. Microscopy and spectroscopy are major tools for their investigation and their characterization. In the workshop “Spectroscopy and microscopy of nanostructures” different techniques for the investigation of nanostructures will be presented and discussed. In addition, new kinds of nanoparticles and nanostructures will be discussed for diverse applications, such as catalysis, optoelectronics and for structural nanomaterials.
Due to the Covid-19 situation the conference has been converted to a one day Zoom webinar.
Preliminary program:
09.45-10.00 Greetings: T. Sikola and R. Tenne
Chairperson: Tomas Sikola (CEITEC Brno)
10.00-10.30 Franz Giessibl, HRSTM (Regensburg)
10.30-11.00 Jan Cechal, LEEM and STM study of organic-inorganic interfaces (CEITEC)
11.00-11.30 Lothar Houben, Cs-corrected TEM (WIS)
11.30-12.00 Vlastimil Krapek, STEM EELS and CL on plasmonic nanostructures (CEITEC)
10 minutes break
12.10-12.40 Ulrike Diebold, Surface Science (TU Vienna)
12.40-13.10 Ido Kaminer, 4D TEM (Technion)
13.10-13.40 Miroslav Kolibal, in-situ SEM growth&manipulation (CEITEC)
13.40-14.10 Adi Arie, Beam shaping (TAU)
14.10-15.10 Lunch break
Chairperson: Reshef Tenne (WIS)
15.10-15.40 Dan Oron, quantum dots&superresolution (WIS)
15.40-16.10 Tal Ellunbugen, meta surfaces (TAU)
16.10-16.40 Lukas Novotny, controlling light-matter interactions on the nm scale (ETH)
16.40-17.10 Yehiam Prior, Plasmonics (WIS)
17.10-17.40 Gilad Haran, Strong coupling in plasmonics bowties (WIS)
17.30-17.40 Summary – T. Sikola
Contact person: Talia Suissa (talia.suissa@weizmann.ac.il)