Seminar - Multi-scale observation of catalyst dynamics under reactive conditions
May 29, 14:00, FSI, A2/201
Marc Willinger
ETH Zürich, ScopeM
The topic of the seminar talk will be the observation of gas-phase induced dynamics of active catalysts using a combination of in-situ SEM and in-situ TEM.
Dr. Marc Willinger is one of the researchers at the Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM), which is a facility created through a concerted effort of the Professors and Executive Board of the ETH Zurich in order to offer access to a collection of state-of-the-art light microscopy (LM), electron microscopy (EM) and related sample preparation equipment. In addition, the staff of ScopeM offers consultation, training and microscopy services. The role of ScopeM is to support vital research efforts and services primarily for ETH employees and visiting scientists; it is also open to external academic and industrial users.
ScopeM has two main technological branches. The LM branch operates a wide variety of light microscopy systems ranging from the routine wide-field systems to the high-end super-resolution ones. The portfolio includes also histology and lab-automation equipment (high-throughput screening) and dedicated correlative systems (e.g. CLEM). The EM branch runs a number of (cryo) analytical S/TEMs, (cryo) FIB/SEMs, serial sectioning in-situ SEM and high resolution analytical SEMs. The acquisition and processing of images/data are also supported by ScopeM experts in image and data processing.
The Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM) is a facility created through a concerted effort of the Professors and Executive Board of the ETH Zurich in order to offer access to a collection of state-of-the-art light microscopy (LM), electron microscopy (EM) and related sample preparation equipment. In addition, the staff of ScopeM offers consultation, training and microscopy services. The role of ScopeM is to support vital research efforts and services primarily for ETH employees and visiting scientists; it is also open to external academic and industrial users.
ScopeM has two main technological branches. The LM branch operates a wide variety of light microscopy systems ranging from the routine wide-field systems to the high-end super-resolution ones. The portfolio includes also histology and lab-automation equipment (high-throughput screening) and dedicated correlative systems (e.g. CLEM). The EM branch runs a number of (cryo) analytical S/TEMs, (cryo) FIB/SEMs, serial sectioning in-situ SEM and high resolution analytical SEMs. The acquisition and processing of images/data are also supported by ScopeM experts in image and data processing.