Miroslav Kolíbal (CEITEC), Klaus Ensslin (ETH), Ernesto Joselevich (WIS)
Our research deals with a complex problem of preparation and assembly of nanostructures into functional devices. When prepared under controlled and reliable conditions, nanostructures often exhibit unique and fascinating physical properties (electrical, optical etc.). In order to demonstrate the usefulness of these processes, contacts to a macro world have to be made in order to control and manipulate these properties. The research in focus of this RTG is both fundamental science and applied research. With respect to the former, we investigate under which conditions we are able to prepare nanowires and other low-dimensional materials with relevant properties (e.g. morphology of ZnSe and GaN nanowires). To reach these aims, we pioneer techniques of in-situ electron microscopy, which allow to observe the formation of low-dimensional materials in real time, thus giving us feedback on relevant growth conditions. Once we produce these nanoscale materials, we use sophisticated techniques of e.g. electron lithography to electrically contact these structures and utilize their exceptional properties (e.g. resistance changes of graphene with the nature of adsorbed molecules) for demonstration of e.g. humidity sensors with very high sensitivity. Our research involves different approaches to find out the mechanisms and physics behind the sensing.