Organic Bioelectronic platforms for sensing applications
16. 12. 2021 11:00
CEITEC BUT S building, large meeting room (or online, MS TEAMS)
Dr. Xenofon Strakosas
Linköpig University, Sweden
Organic Bioelectronic platforms for sensing applications and selective stimulation through pH modulation or selective drug delivery
The field of organic bioelectonics aims to couple electronics with biology for the purpose of diagnostics and treatment. Electronic devices employ the use of conducting polymers as active material due to their mixed ionic and electronic properties, and soft nature. Two representative example devices are the organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) and the organic electronic ion-pump (OEIP). The OECT is a transistor which operates in aqueous electrolytes. It exhibits high amplification properties and has been utilized to locally transduce low amplitude low frequency brain activity to large electronic signals. The OEIP electrophoretically delivers small ions and neurotransmitters to a biological target upon an electronic input. Although these platforms have been utilized to sense ionic signals and deliver small molecules to treat pain, their use to broader applications such as sensing of metabolites is limited, or selective delivery is non-efficient. Here, we will present platforms, based on OECTs and OEIPs, for continuous metabolite sensing from live cells, electronic pH control and selective drug delivery for pain relief and epilepsy treatment.